The UPL is the place to

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Who we are...

The UPL is a social club with a proud 40-year legacy. We invite you to visit us whenever the room is open, whether to relax between classes, enjoy lunch, or simply unwind. We’d love to welcome you!

Who we are NOT...

The UPL itself doesn't run projects. Rather, it's a space where members work on their own initiatives and connect with fellow UW students. Check out our blog to see what UPL'ers are up to!

Where are we...

Visit us in Computer Sciences Room 1341, the triangle-shaped room on the first floor. We’re thrilled to announce that in Fall 2025, we’ll have a dedicated space in Morgridge Hall 🎉.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a CS major?

No! While we're a CS-focused organization, you don't need to be a CS major!

What resources are available through the UPL?

  • A lab room in the CS building.
  • Server infrastructure for project use.
  • Books to check out.
  • And of course, each other, to talk to about anything CS (and more!).

Do I need to be an undergraduate student?

No! All UW students are welcome to use the machines and resources of the lab. A few graduate students frequent the lab as well.

Can we still use the servers remotely?

Yes! It is possible for us to remotely access our servers. If that interests you, talk to us! Server infrastructure is an ongoing project.